Thursday, April 12, 2007

Expressive Sentences

Sometimes, I feel it's really painful to find a proper English expression for a thing on mind, which is in Chinese. Of course, it's OK to put some simple sentence to describe it, but that's just like scratch upon the rain coat. So I decide to keep looking for the sentences that do a good job in expressing ideas when reading something. Here're some examples:

Although the marriage looked sunny to outsiders, a huge cloud loomed over that household.
This expression is really good in that it relates the marriage relationship to weather, very vivid. In the sentence, "loom" is the key word that depicts the tense relationship among family members. In Chinese, 阴云密布.

She lived a life where she walked on eggshells.
Eggshell is very fragile and it's difficult to walk on it without breaking the shell. The expression describes how difficult life she lived. In Chinese, it's 如履薄冰.

These two sentences were quoted from the presentation of a defense lawyer. I feel that all lawyers should be able to use words to convince their audience, judge and jury. To them, language is the vital weapon.

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