Tuesday, April 10, 2007

About Elevator Pitch

I just ran through several articles about how important an elevator pitch could be and how one can form a good and effective elevator pitch. I learned this term when I was reading an article about tips for social networking. One of these is how to introduce about yourself within 2 minutes. It makes difference in being remembered and being forgotten. The origin of the term is to refer to an enterprenur selling his/her idea to venture capitalists in the time span of an elevator ride.

One suggested way to improve your elevator pitch is to write it down, practice it in front of a mirror, then rewrite it and practice again. In fact, it reminds me that for anything to be expressed fluently and confidently, I should think it over and over.

Therefore, to write it down is the first step to train my mind, which motivates me to open this blog and write as much as I can about entertainment, politics, and social events. It is not important that these opinions are correct or not. The important thing is, these are my opinions and I get them after thinking and concluding. Even they are totally nonsense, and maybe some time later, I check back with them and feel ridiculous about it. But that doesn't matter at all. I get my mind trained and my thought formed. That's all what I want.

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